
A report on a heritage impact assessment for the upgrade of Transnet’s Glosam Siding for PMG’s Bishop Mine (loading bay)on portion 2 and the remainder of Gloucester 674 near Postmasburg, Tsantsabane local municipality, Northern Cape


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Kai Batla Holdings (Pty) Ltd, on behalf of PMG Mining, to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment on Portion 2 and the Remainder of the farm Gloucester 674, near Postmasburg (Tsantsabane Local Municipality) in the Northern Cape Province. The upgrade and rehabilitation of Transnet’s Glosam Siding is being proposed. This area will serve as the Loading Bay for PMG Mining’s Bishop Mine operations. A road linking the siding with the R325 forms part of the development.

A number of sites of related to the siding and the railway were identified and recorded in the area. These sites will be discussed in this report. A number of recommendations in regard to these sites are put forward at the end of this document.

From a Cultural Heritage point of view there is however no objection to the proposed development taking place, once the mitigation measures put forward at the end of this report have been successfully implemented.

Report by

A.J. Pelser
A.C. van Vollenhoven