
A heritage impact assessment study for the expansion of the Vuka Granite Mine on a portion of the farm Rochelle 606 JU, near Hazyview, Mpumalanga


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Vuka Crushers to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the proposed expansion of their Vuka Granite operations on a portion of the farm Rochelle 606 JU, near Hazyview in Mpumalanga. The aims were to determine if there are any archaeological and historical sites, features and object in the area that need be taken into consideration when development work commences. A desktop study formed part of the work.

No cultural heritage (archaeological and historical) sites, features and objects were identified and recorded during the fieldwork in the area. Only 2 find spots, with fragments of Iron Age pottery, were recorded in the area. The area has been extensively disturbed in the recent past through mining and subsistence farming, although some fairly undisturbed sections do occur. A number of granite outcrops, the obvious focus of the mining, do exist in the area and the survey concentrated to a large degree on these.

The report discusses the results of the study while a number of recommendations are put forward at the end of the report. Should these be implemented there would be no objection from a Cultural Heritage point of view to the proposed development.

Report by

A.J. Pelser
Accredited member of ASAPA