A heritage impact assessment report for the proposed Sylvania resources Volspruit Mine on the farms Volspruit 326 KR and Zoetveld 294 KR, near Mokopane, Limpopo Province
Archaetnos cc was appointed by EScience Associates to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), for the proposed new Sylvania Resources Volspruit Mine. The mine is to be located on portions of the farms Volspruit 326 KR and Zoetveld 294 KR, near Mokopane in the Limpopo Province. The development area is located south of Mokopane and east of the NI Freeway. The aim of the HIA was to determine if there are any archaeological and historical sites, features and object in the area that might be impacted on and that needs be taken into consideration during the planned mining operations.
A Basic Scoping Report (AE1133) was also undertaken in March before the fieldwork was conducted, looking at determining if there could be any possible sites that could be expected in the area. Various sources were consulted for this report. From this it was clear that there are a number of known heritage resources in the area. It was also envisaged that a number of previously unknown sites might exist here. During the HIA survey a number of archaeological and more recent historical sites, features and objects were identified and recorded.
A number of recommendations are put forward at the end of this report. If these are adhered to then there would be, from a Cultural Heritage point of view, no objection to the proposed mining operations being implemented.
Report by
A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA