
A report on a basic assessment relating to cultural heritage resources for the proposed Komati-Halfgewonnen Eskom Line, Mpumalanga Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Wandima Environmental Services to conduct a basic assessment relating to cultural heritage resources for the proposed Komati-Halfgewonnen Eskom line. This is situated close to the Komati Power Station, which lies to the south-east of Emahlaleni and the north-west of Hendrina in the Mpumalanga Province. Three options for the route were surveyed.

The fieldwork undertaken revealed three sites of cultural heritage significance, all found at option 3. The area is however disturbed by past human activities such as infrastructure for the power station and agriculture.

From a heritage point of view it is proposed that any of option 1 and 2 can be used. No heritage resource was identified on these two routes. Both routes also runs through an area mostly already disturbed. However it would be possible to use option 3, but only after the implementation of the indicated mitigation measures.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)