
A report on the cultural heritage aspects for a basic assessment for the Marble Hall NDP Project: Amended project proposal with preferred route for the construction of a power line from Groblersdal Substation to Marble Hall Mts, Limpopo Province


During 2010 Archaetnos cc was appointed by Landscape Dynamics Environmental Consultants to conduct a basic assessment relating to the cultural heritage aspects for the proposed Marble Hall NDP Project. This entails the construction of approximately 13 km of 132 kV power line from the existing Groblersdal substation to the proposed Marble Hall MTS substation. This is situated in the Limpopo Province. Three options for the route were surveyed.

As a result of specialist studies as well as consultation with affected parties another alternative was decided on. This alternative was investigated during this study. The fieldwork undertaken revealed one site of cultural heritage significance. The site is of a high cultural significance. However it may be mitigated.

The final recommendation is that this route alternative may be used for the proposed construction after implementation of the necessary mitigation measures.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)
