A report on an archaeological impact assessment for the proposed Moonooi Township development on portion 34 and the remaining extent of portion 1
of the farm Elandsdrift 467 JQ, near Mooinooi, Northwest
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Maxim Planning Solutions to conduct an Archaeological Impact Assessment for the proposed development of a township on Portions 34 and the Remaining Extent of Portion 1 of the farm Elandsdrift 467 JQ, near Mooinooi in the Northwest Province.
The area has been fairly extensively disturbed in the recent past by various activities including mining, rural/urban developments (large scale squatter camp included), as well as agriculture and other developments (roads, powerlines). If any sites, features or objects of an archaeological nature or significance existed in the area during the past it would have been disturbed or destroyed to a large degree. One site (portion of a stone walled Late Iron Age settlement) was identified during the assessment on the boundary of the development area. During previous work in the area by Archaetnos cc a number of archaeological and historical sites were identified in close proximity, and these sites will also be discussed in the report as background. Dense vegetation in the area of the assessment made identifying sites and features difficult. Recommendations regarding the mitigation of impacts on any sites located in the area are given at the end of this report.
If the recommendations put forward at the end of this document are implemented, then, from an Archaeological Heritage point of view, there would be no objection to the continuation of the proposed development.
Report by
A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA