A final report on a heritage impact assessment for the proposed De Angelus Estates Development, near Van Reenen, within the Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal Provinces
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Tambhura Property Investments, in conjunction with DWV Environmental Consulting, to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment for the so-called De Angelus Estates Development. The development is located close to Van Reenen on portions of various farms situated both in the Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal Provinces.
A number of sites, features and objects of varying degrees of cultural (archaeological and historical) heritage significance, dating to the more recent Historical Age, were located and recorded during the December 2011 survey of the area. The sites are discussed in more detail in this report and a number of recommendations regarding these sites are put forward at the end.
From a Cultural Heritage point of view there is no objection to the proposed development taking place, once the mitigation measures put forward in this report have been successfully implemented.
Report by
A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA