A report on a pre-feasibility heritage study for the proposed Yzermyn Coal Mine close to Dirkiesdorp, Mpumalanga Province
Archaetnos cc was appointed by WSP Environment & Energy to conduct a heritage study as part of a pre-feasibility study for the proposed Yzermyn Coal Mine. This is close to Dirkiesdorp in the Mpumalanga Province. Information about the infrastructure of the mine is not yet available. Therefore a large area was surveyed.
The fieldwork undertaken revealed eighteen sites of cultural heritage significance. These are discussed in the report.
No final mitigation measures can be proposed as this is a pre-feasibility study. However the importance of the sites is given and possible mitigation measures suggested. The developer also needs to take note that all archaeological and historical sites may not have been identified due to the size of the area as well as the density of vegetation. It also is possible that subterranean archaeological sites may be found later on. These need to be dealt with by an archaeologist.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)
Accredited member of ASAPA
Professional member of SASCH