A report on a heritage impact assessment (HIA) for a proposed photo-voltaic Solar Power Generation Plant on Klein Zwart Bast 188, Kenhardt District, Northern Cape
During 2011 Archaetnos cc, in conjunction with Robert de Jong & Associates, was appointed by EScience & Associates, on behalf of Aurora Power Solutions, to conduct an Archaeological Impact Assessment as part of the Basic Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for a proposed Solar Energy Plant on the farm Klein Zwart Bast 188 in the Kenhardt District of the Northern Cape Province. A number of archaeological sites, features and objects of significance were identified during the assessment. Most of the sites and finds date to the Stone Age, although there were some historical finds as well.
Mitigation measures to minimize the impact of the development on the sites that were located during the assessment were put forward at the end of the 2011 report. During February 2012 2nd Phase archaeological work was conducted on these sites as part of these measures.
The HIA conducted during March 2012 on another portion of the farm is a continuation of the development on Klein Zwart Bast 188. Similar sites are present here than those found during 2011 and those mitigated. Further mitigation work on the expanded section identified for the solar plant development will therefore not be required. The report will discuss the findings made during the site assessment and will provide information on the methodology followed, as well as give recommendations regarding the way forward.
Based on previous work in the area (AIA and Mitigation undertaken) there is therefore no objection from a Cultural Heritage (archaeological & historical) perspective to the continuation of the proposed development.
Report by
A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA