
A report on a heritage impact assessment for the Steynol Umthombo Project near Springs in the Gauteng Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by GCS to conduct a heritage study for the proposed Steynol Umthombo Project. This is a clay and coal mining application. This is close to Springs in the Gauteng Province.

The fieldwork undertaken revealed ten sites of cultural heritage significance. These are discussed in the report.

Mitigation measures are proposed for the sites, especially those with a high cultural significance. The latter refers to two grave yards and one residential site (a compound) from a previous mining era. For all the other sites this report is seen a sample mitigation. The proposed mining development may continue, but only after proper implementation of the mitigation measures proposed.

The developer also needs to take note that all archaeological and historical sites may not have been identified and that subterranean archaeological sites may be found later on. Should this happen it needs to be dealt with by an archaeologist.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L. Akad. S.A.)
