
A cultural heritage management plan for the Moretele Resort, City of Tshwane


This document entails a cultural heritage resources management plan for the Moretele Resort. A number of ten cultural resources were found during a survey of the resort. This is a number of initiation sites, a sewage tunnel, a church site and historical stone walling. These are discussed in the plan.

The resources all dates to the historical period in time. It is evaluated and assessed in terms of the standard criteria for cultural heritage resources.

Management guidelines are given. These are the basic conservation and preservation principles to be used in managing cultural resources. Recommendations made in the document are done within the parameters of the National Heritage Resources Act (25 of 1999).

The management plan is an open document meaning that it should be adapted and reassessed from time to time. A continuation period of at least five years is given. However any developments done before the expiry of the five year period should be used to re-evaluate the impact on cultural resources and to make the necessary adaptations to the document. The five year period ends in 2017.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.Akad. SA)- Accredited member of ASAPA
