short report on the demarcation of grave sites located in the area of the proposed new regional landfill site on the farm Weltevreden 227 IR, near Delmas, Mpumalanga
Archaetnos cc was requested by BKS Environmental Consultants to conduct two Heritage Impact Assessments between 2010 and 2011 on various portions of the farm Weltevreden 227 IR, near Delmas in Mpumalanga. A new Landfill site (the Witbank-Ogies Regional) is being developed.
During the two assessments a number of sites were found, including two graveyards containing around 116 graves in total. The plan is to eventually exhume and relocate the graves should they be negatively impacted on by the development. In order to safeguard the gravesites from accidental damage in the interim period it was decided that the sites will be demarcated with a buffer zone around it and Archaetnos was requested to document the sites in more detail and to determine the boundaries of each site by GPS so that the sites can be placed on a map of the development.
Report by
A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA