
A report on a basic assessment for proposed residential development at 570 Pretorius Street (Ronde Geluk Guesthouse), Arcadia, Pretoria


Archaetnos cc was requested by Urban Nest to conduct a Basic Assessment (including a desktop study) for a proposed residential development (parking and accommodation) near the Ronde Geluk Guesthouse in Arcadia, Pretoria. This guesthouse is situated at 570 Pretorius Street, adjacent to the Majella Hotel.

Based on this very basic assessment it is clear that the guesthouse building is older than 60 years of age and therefore protected by the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999). The heritage significance of the building could not be determined through this assessment, and a more detailed study will have to be conducted should the decision be that the proposed development will continue. This will include a detailed assessment of the building and its historical context during a Heritage Impact Assessment. The client has indicated their willingness to restore the old structure and include such in their development should it be indicated that it has a high heritage significance.

It is however possible to indicate that the proposed development is viable, taking into consideration the recommendations put forward at the end of this document.

Report by

A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA
