
A report on archaeological impact assessments (AIA’s) for proposed housing developments on erven 83 and 2467, Kuruman, in the Northern Cape


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Erioloba Consulting, on behalf of ASSMANG and the Khumani Housing Development Company, to conduct an Archaeological Impact Assessment for proposed residential housing developments on Erven 83 and 2467 in Kuruman, Northern Cape Province.

The areas have been disturbed to a large extent through recent developments, including agricultural activities and residential development and are located within a largely urban setting. Although visibility on Erf 83 was good, dense vegetation and grass cover made visibility difficult on Erf 2467. A number of sites, features and objects of cultural heritage significance were recorded during the assessments of both properties. The report provides a discussion of the finds and observations made during the fieldwork and also gives an indication of the methodology followed. It also indicates how to deal with any archaeological material that may be unearthed or disturbed during the development activities.

From an Archaeological point of view there would be no objection to the continuation of the proposed developments, taking into consideration the conclusions and recommendations made at the end of this report. Once these have been implemented the development could continue.

Report by

A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA
