Guidelines for the monitoring of stone age archaeological sites and finds at the Ikwezi Doornkop Mine, Dannhauser Local Municipality, Amajuba District Municipality Kwazulu Natal
This document constitutes a Guidelines report for the Monitoring of Stone Age archaeological sites and finds located in the area to be impacted on by the Ikwezi Doornkop opencast mine in the Dannhauser Local Municipality, Amajuba District Municipality, Kwa-Zulu Natal
The sites were identified and recorded during a Heritage Impact Assessment in March 2011. Most of the sites found date to the Stone Age, although some Late Iron Age stone walling and material, as well as a number of recent historical grave sites were also recorded. Mitigation measures were recommended and supported by Amafa (the Heritage Authority in KZN) and Archaetnos cc was appointed by Ikwezi Mining to implement these measures. During May 2012 detailed mapping and sampling of Stone Age sites to be impacted by the opencast miming operations were undertaken after obtaining a permit from Amafa. The analysis of the sampled material indicated that the material date to between the Early and Middle Stone Age (ESA to LSA) and that the sites located here are important in terms of their research and analysis potential. It was recommended that a destruction permit is given to Ikwezi, but that a Monitoring Program is implemented during the mining operations in order to investigate any Stone Age archaeological finds and sites exposed by the mining.
This document provides basic guidelines for this program. A short background on the project history, as well as the Stone Age and other archaeology of the area will also be provided.
Recommendations made in the document are done in full cognizance of the National Heritage Resources Act (25 of 1999) and the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998).
Report by
A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA