
A report on an archaeological impact assessment for the proposed Kameeldoorn solar PV development on the farm Kameeldoorn 271 JP, Zeerust, Northwest Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by RE.RE Capital, to conduct an Archaeological Impact Assessment for the proposed development of a Solar Photo-Voltaic operation on portions of the Kameeldoorn 271 JP, near Zeerust in the Northwest Province. Two sections of the farm (labeled A and B) has been identified by the developer as potential areas for the development, and both these had to be assessed.

The area has been disturbed through some development, including a railway line, power lines and agricultural activities in the past. However, large sections of the area have been undisturbed. A number of Late Iron Age features and sites (stone walled remains) were identified and recorded in the area, although these might not be directly impacted on by the proposed development. The report discusses the results of the assessment and background research on the archaeology and history of the area, and provides recommendations regarding any mitigation measures that might have to be implemented.

If the recommendations put forward at the end of this document are implemented, then, from an Archaeological point of view, there would be no objection to the continuation of the proposed development.

Report by

A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA
