A report on a heritage impact assessment for the proposed Samancor Chrome Ltd (Western Chrome Mines) Elandsdrift section opencast project, Northwest Province
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Environmental Assurance (Pty) Ltd to conduct a cultural heritage study for the proposed Samancor Chrome Ltd (Western Chrome Mines) Elandsdrift Section Opencast Project. This is between Brits and Rustenburg in the Northwest Province.
The methodology for the survey included a survey of literature which was undertaken in order to obtain background information regarding the area. This was followed by a field survey.
During the survey ten sites of cultural heritage significance was located. Five of these are in the area to be developed and five in the buffer zone. This includes Iron Age and historical sites. The cultural significance of these vary between low and high. Suitable mitigation measures are proposed. The project may only continue after these have been implemented.
It should be noted that the subterranean presence of archaeological material is always a possibility. The grass cover in certain areas was also very high during the survey which may have resulted in sites not being identified. Should any additional sites therefore be identified an archaeologists should immediately be contacted to assess these.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L. Akad. S.A.)