
A report on the archaeological investigation of stone age finds on the farm Paling 434 Hay Magisterial District, near Postmasburg in the Northern Cape Province


Archaetnos cc conducted an AIA (as part of a larger HIA conducted by Dr.Robert de Jong) on the farm Paling 434 during May 2010 (Report AE1030) for Kai Batla (on behalf of PMG Mining). During this assessment a number of archaeological and historical objects, features and sites were identified in the area that will be affected by the proposed mining operations. It included a graveyard containing a number of historical graves (exhumed and relocated earlier in 2012 – See Report AE01246P), as well as some historical sites and features and a number of Stone Age open-air scatters.

Archaetnos was then appointed by Kai Batla, on behalf of PMG, to conduct the required archaeological investigations. Permits to undertake the archaeological work were obtained from SAHRA.  The permit number for the Stone Age archaeological research has as reference number of 80/12/05/009/51. Although it indicates that excavations were to be done, the application was based on the AIA recommendations that specified surface sampling of material.

The report discusses the results of the Stone Age archaeological investigations (plotting of scatters and surface sampling of representative material) on the farm Paling 434. The expert analysis of the material (by Prof. Marlize Lombard) is also included.

Report by

A. J. Pelser