Report on a desktop study with regards to the cultural heritage relating to a prospecting right application for project LP 30/5/1/1/2/11286 in the Waterberg District, Limpopo Province
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Bateleur Environmental & Monitoring Services to do a desktop study regarding the cultural heritage on the different farms included in Project LP 30/5/1/1/2/11286. This is for a prospecting right application. The area forms part of the Waterberg District in the Limpopo Province. This report gives a broad overview of the heritage of the wider geographical area.
Sources that were used include a variety of archival documents, literature sources, databases and unpublished reports. The heritage of the broader geographical area is reasonable well documented making predictions in this regard reasonably easy.
It is clear that Stone and Iron Age people utilized the broader geographical area for a long time. It therefore is very likely that heritage sites linked to these people may be found here.
Missionaries and farmers also moved into the area since the 1840’s. Buildings, structures and graves associated with these people therefore may also be located in the study area.
During prospecting activities one should therefore steer clear of any of these possible sites indicated. Due to the nature of prospecting work, a Heritage Impact Assessment is not necessary. However, should the project develop into full-scale mining activities, such an assessment will definitely be needed.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)