A report on a cultural heritage impact assessment for a proposed mine on the farm Bultfontein 187 IS, close to Hendrina, Mpumalanga Province
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Geovicon to conduct a cultural heritage impact
assessment for the proposed mine on the farm Bultfontein 187 IS. This is close to
Hendrina in the Mpumalanga Province.
The HIA survey was conducted according to generally accepted HIA practices and
was aimed at locating all possible objects, sites and features of cultural significance
in the area of proposed development.
In the area impacted upon by the proposed development one site of cultural heritage
significance was identified. However, a second was found right on the boundary and
is therefore included in the study. T he report gives a discussion of these and also
gives an indication of the methodology followed. It also indicates how to deal with
any archaeological material that may be unearthed during construction activities in
the future.
Both the sites found are graves. There is two possible ways of dealing with this ,
depending on whether the impact thereon is direct or indirect. The necessary
recommendations are made.
It is concluded that the proposed development may continue, but only after the
indicated mitigation measures have been implemented. It should be noted that the
subterranean presence of archaeological and/or historical sites, features or artifacts
is always a distinct possibility. Care should therefore be taken when development
commences that if any of these are discovered, a qualified archaeologist be called in
to investigate the occurrence.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)