A scoping report related to cultural heritage aspects for the Alexander Project near Kriel, Mpumalanga Province
Archaetnos cc was requested by Synergistics Environmental Services to conduct a cultural heritage impact assessment for the Alexander Project. This was done for an EMPR Amendment. The project spans over a large area, including various farms, close to Kriel in the Mpumalanga Province.
A survey of the available literature was undertaken in order to obtain backgroundinformation regarding the area. This was followed by the field survey which was conducted according to generally accepted HIA practices, aimed at locating all possible objects, sites and features of cultural significance in the area of the proposed development.
This scoping report deals with information obtained from desktop studies.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.) Accredited member of ASAPA Professional member of SASCH and Zurethe Collins (BA), BA (Hons) Archaeology