Phase 1 heritage impact assessment for the installation of the proposed external sewer pipeline, Raslouw X15, Gauteng ProvinceSummary
This project may impact on any types and ranges of heritage resources that are outlined in Section 3 of the National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999). Consequent a Heritage Impact Assessment was commissioned by Bokamoso Environmental and conducted by Leonie Marais-Botes/Archaetnos Archaeologists and Heritage Consultants.
It is important to note that all graves and cemeteries are of high significance and are protected by various laws. Legislation with regard to graves includes the National Heritage Resources Act (Act25 of 1999) whenever graves are 60 years and older. Other legislation with regard to graves includes those when graves are exhumed and relocated, namely the Ordinance on Exhumations (no 12 of 1980) and the Human Tissues Act (Act 65 of 1983 as amended).
Report by
Dr A.C. van Vollenhoven Zurethe Collins Leonie Marais-Botes