
A report on a restrospective heritage assessment for changes to be made to a building at 754 Stanza Bopape street, Pretoria, Gauteng Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Maluleka Tlasi Incorporated to conduct a retrospective heritage assessment for changes to be made to a building at 754 Stanza Bopape Street. This is located in Pretoria, Gauteng Province.

The fieldwork undertaken revealed a house and outbuildings. The latter is younger than 60 years and therefore has no heritage significance. The house is older than 60 years, but has previously been changed to such an extent that the heritage value thereof has been minimized. Although certain new changes have already started, these have minimal impact on the building and are mostly reversible. The building itself is not a unique example of a specific architectural style, although it has a few nice features. Therefore no mitigation is required, apart from furnishing this report.

The applicable social consultation has also been done, consisting of site notices and newspaper advertisements. No comments were received. The Tshwane Building Heritage Society endorsed the changes.

It is therefore recommended that the HIA be approved, although retrospectively and that the work be allowed to continue.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)