A report on a basic cultural heritage assessment done for the platinum Group Metals Waterberg Prospecting area, on the farm Old Langsine 360 LR, Limpopo Province
Archaetnos cc was requested by the Platinum Group Metals (RSA) Pty) Ltd to conduct a baseline cultural heritage assessment for their Waterberg Prospecting Area. The project area lies to the west of the town of Bochum in the Limpopo Province.
For this assessment only one farm, Old Langsine 360 LR, was investigated. Since the baseline study forms part of a pre-feasibility study, no information is available on the possible mine layout yet.
The field survey for the project was conducted according to generally accepted HIA practices and was aimed at locating possible objects, sites and features of cultural significance in the area of proposed development. One regularly looks a bit wider than the demarcated area, as the surrounding context needs to be taken into consideration. However, since the area is extremely large the study is merely an indication of what cultural resources can be expected in the area.
Nineteen sites of cultural importance were identified on the farm. Many other are also known from nearby farms.
It is therefore recommended that the developer be aware of the heritage sites and possible other heritage sites in the area. Areas where these are most likely to occur are indicated as well as where other possible sites of heritage significance may be found. The developer needs to steer clear from these as far as possible. However it may be possible to mitigate such sites. This can only be determined once a development plan is available.
A full heritage impact assessment should be done at that point in time so that detailed information will be available. This would allow for recommendations to be made regarding the impact assessment and mitigation of these sites.
It should also be noted that the subterranean presence of archaeological and/or historical sites, features or artifacts is always a distinct possibility. Care should therefore be taken when development commences that if any of these are discovered, a qualified archaeologist be called in to investigate the occurrence.
Report by
Prof. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.) Accredited member of ASAPA Accredited member of SASCH