A report on a heritage impact assessment for the expansion of opencast coal mining operations, Landau colliery, on the farm Nooitgedacht 300 JS near Witbank, Mpumalanga
Archaetnos cc was approached by Anglo Coal?s Landau Colliery to assist with the archaeological investigation, exhumation and relocation of graves on the farm Nooitgedacht 300 JS near Witbank. As no Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) has been done previously on this farm, and because this is a requirement for the grave permit, we were then contracted to conduct the HIA for these purposes as well.
Besides the grave site, containing about 20 graves, 3 sites dating to the recent historical period were located and recorded. None of these sites are of any heritage significance. The report gives a discussion of these sites and finds and also gives an indication of the methodology followed. It also provides recommendations regarding proposed mitigation measures and how to deal with any future finds that might be uncovered during further developments.
The sites are of low cultural significance. Mitigation measures to minimize the impact of the development on these sites and finds are put forward at the end of this report.
Report by
A.J. Pelser & A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)