A report on an archaeological desktop study for the proposed new tailings storage facility for Gold Fields, in the Westonaria area, Gauteng
Archaetnos cc was requested by Cultmatrix Heritage Consultant to conduct an Archaeological Desktop Study for a proposed Gold Fields Tailings Storage Facility in the Westonaria area, Gauteng Province. The aim of the study was to inform the findings contained in a Draft Heritage Impact Assessment Report done by Cultmatrix in June 2010 for Enviro Serv Waste Management (Pty) Ltd.
Fieldwork conducted by Cultmatrix in June and November 2009 discovered a number of Late Iron Age (LIA) features in the area of the proposed development. LIA features and settlements were recently recorded by both Archaetnos and Cultmatrix on various portions of the farm Kraalkop in Fochville (to the west of the development area).
A number of mitigation measures are recommended by Cultmatrix in the Draft Heritage Impact Assessment Report by Cultmatrix. We concur with these, and recommend that the development can continue once these have been implemented.
Report by
A.J. Pelser