A report on the archaeological phase 2 mitigation of an open-air stone age site to be impacted on by the Sylvania Lannex Tailings Dam (Samancor), on the farm Annex Grootboom 335 KT, near Steelpoort Mpumalanga
During 2010 Archaetnos cc was requested by Prescali Environmental Consultants, on behalf of SAMANCOR, to carry out an AIA for their Sylvania Lannex Tailingsdam located on the farm Annex Grootboom 335 KT, near Steelpoort in the Mpumlanga Province. During the assessment a site (erosion donga), containing scatters of Middle/Late Stone Age artifacts (stone tools) were recorded. It was then recommended that this site be mitigated before construction of the Tailings Dam could continue.
In their Archaeological Review Comments (ARC) on the Impact Assessment Report, SAHRA agreed with the recommendations made by Archaetnos cc. As a result we were then appointed by SAMANCOR to conduct the Phase 2 Mitigation of the site. After obtaining a permit from SAHRA (Permit No. 80/10/03/008/51), the fieldwork was conducted during June 2010. Dr. Marlize Lombard, a Stone Age expert, acted as our Principal Investigator.
The site was mapped and drawn using a dumpy level, with each stone flake and tool marked, numbered and plotted in position. The artifacts were then sampled and bagged and taken for analysis (description and recording). Photographs of the site, area and artifacts were also taken.
We believe that the work conducted, and the data retrieved through it, during June 2010 was adequate enough to enable us to make the necessary deductions. Therefore it is recommended that the development can continue, although certain conditions are put forward in the final conclusions and recommendations.
Report by
A.J. Pelser & A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.) M. Lombard (Principal Investigator Stone Age)