
A report on a heritage impact assessment (HIA) for
the proposed re-alignment of a 8.72km section
of the R385 road between Postmasburg and Beeshoek,
Northern Cape Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by GCS to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment for the proposed re-alignment of the R385 road between Postmasburg and ASSMANGS’s Beeshoek mine in the Northern Cape. An 8.72km section of this road will need re-alignment for a new pit being planned for the Mine.

Two sites of some cultural heritage significance were recorded, and although no archaeological sites of any real significance were identified during the survey, some scattered archaeological material (Stone Age tools) was located. The report gives a discussion of these finds and also gives an indication of the methodology followed. It also indicates how to deal with any archaeological material that may be unearthed during the development activities.

The finds are of low to high significance. Mitigation measures to minimize the impact of the development on these and any sites that might be found subsequently are put forward at the end of this report. Once these have been implemented the development can continue.

Report by

Mr. A.J. Pelser & Dr. A.C. Van Vollenhoven
