A report on an archaeological impact assessment (AIA) for the proposed Nandoni-Giyani emergency water supply (Mavambe to Nsami water treatment works in Giyani), Limpopo Province
Archaetnos cc was requested by Cultmatrix Heritage Consultants, on behalf of Gudani Consulting, to conduct an Archaeological Impact Assessment as part of the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the proposed Nandoni-Giyani Emergency Water Supply pipeline between Mavambe and the Nsami Water Treatment Works in Giyani. The proposed development is situated in the Limpopo Province, with the pipeline length approximately 42km. The size of the pipe is 400mm in diameter and the impact of this linear development will be relatively small.
No archaeological sites, features or objects were identified during the survey, and the only cultural heritage feature recorded was a large Baobab tree next to the road (R81 between Giyani and Mavambe). The pipeline runs largely next to this road (a fairly recent road with no historic importance). The report gives a discussion of the finds and observations of the survey and also gives an indication of the methodology followed. It also indicates how to deal with any archaeological material that may be unearthed during the development activities.
Mitigation measures to minimize the impact of the development on any sites that might be found subsequently are put forward at the end of this report. Once these have been implemented the development can continue.
Report by
A.J. Pelser