A report on the archaeological assessment of some late iron age features to be impacted on by the proposed Skychrome mining on the farms Boschfontein 458 JQ and Modderspruit 461 JQ, Mooinooi District, Northwest Province
During 2008 Archaetnos cc was requested by Prescali Environmental Consultants, on behalf of Sky Chrome Mining (Pty) Ltd), to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the proposed Sky Chrome Mining on the farms Boschfontein 458 JQ and Modderspruit 461 JQ in the Mooinooi District of the Northwest Province. Three sites of fairly low cultural (archaeological and historical) significance were identified. The resultant report was seen as suitable mitigation measures, and the Archaeological Review Comments (ARC) from SAHRA concurred.
However, it was recommended at the time that a Destruction Permit should be obtained and that an archaeologist assess the Iron Age features before these are destroyed and that should any archaeological material be unearthed during mining operations a qualified archaeologist be present to investigate. These recommendations were accepted and in 2010 Archaetnos cc was appointed to carry out the necessary work. This report, a prerequisite of the Destruction Permit (Permit No.: 80/10/06/011/51), is a result of this. The findings of the assessment are included in the document, while it also indicates how to deal with any archaeological material that may be unearthed during future mining operations in the area.
Report by
A.J. Pelser