
A report on the cultural heritage aspects for a basic assessment for the proposed construction of the Eskom Riversong power line and substation in the City of Tshwane, Gauteng Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Landscape Dynamics Environmental Consultants to conduct a basic assessment relating to the cultural heritage aspects for the proposed construction of the Riversong power line and substation. This is situated within the borders of the City of Tshwane in the Gauteng Province. Three options for the route were surveyed.

The fieldwork undertaken revealed six sites of cultural heritage significance. Three of these are of a high cultural significance. Three sites, of which one is of a high cultural significance, are situated on route alternative 1. The fourth site, which also is of a high cultural significance, is on route alternative 2. Two sites, of which one is of high cultural significance, were identified on route alternative 3.

It seems as if route alternative 2 is the best option. However, route alternative 1 may also be used as it would be possible to prevent any impact on the sites found. Route alternative 3 definitely is a no-go option from a heritage perspective.

It is proposed that Route Alternative 2 be the final route, depending on the outcome of other specialist?s reports. Suitable mitigation measures are proposed. Once these have been implemented, the proposed development may continue.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)
