A report on the exhumation and relocation of graves younger than 60 years of age from sites impacted on by the Goedgevonden Colliery near Ogies, Mpumalanga Province
Archaetnos cc was approached by Mr. Linda Jacobs, of Good Hope Funerals (Ogies), to help him compile a report on the exhumation and relocation of graves from various grave sites impacted on by the Goedgevonden Colliery near Ogies in Mpumalanga. These sites were partially excavated by Good Hope Funerals as part of the larger Graves Exhumation and Relocation Project at Goedgevonden. This document constitutes a report on the graves known and younger than 60 years of age from these sites.
All the graves mentioned in this report were fully documented by Mr. Linda Jacobs, with grave forms filled in and photographic records also kept by Good Hope Funerals. The report presents a summarized version of the information contained in these records which are available at Good Hope Funerals.
Report by