
A report on a phase I heritage impact assessment for proposed mining on the farm Koedoeskloof in the Hay District, Northern Cape


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Kai Batla Holdings (Pty) Ltd, on behalf of PMG Mining, to conduct a Phase 1 Heritage Impact Assessment on the farm Koedoeskloof, in the Hay District, near Griqua Town in the Northern Cape Province. The proposed mining is in prospecting phase, with a Mining Rights application to follow.

A number of sites of cultural (archaeological and historical) heritage significance, mainly dating to the Stone Age, were identified and recorded in the area. These sites will be discussed in this report. A number of recommendations regarding these sites are put forward at the end of this document.

From a Cultural Heritage point of view there is however no objection to the proposed development taking place, once the mitigation measures put forward at the end of this report have been successfully implemented.

Report by

A.J. Pelser - Accredited member of ASAPA
