
A report on a cultural heritage impact assessment on erf 85, Chamdor, Krugersdorp for the William Tell Particle Boards And Medium Density Manufacturing Plant


Archaetnos cc was requested by K2M Technologies to conduct a cultural heritage impact assessment on erf 85 Chamdor, Krugersdorp. This is for the development of the so-called William Tell particle board and manufacturing plant.

The fieldwork undertaken revealed five (5) buildings of some cultural heritage significance on the property. Next to the property and to the west thereof a graveyard was also found. The buildings will be directly impacted upon by the development and there will be a secondary impact on the graves. Mitigation measures will therefore have to be implemented.

Once these have been implemented the proposed development can continue, but it is important to note that the buildings should be incorporated in the proposed development, without compromising the cultural integrity thereof.

Report by

A.C. van Vollenhoven & A.J. Pelser