
A report on a cultural heritage impact assessment on Portion 20 of the farm White River 64 JU for the development of the proposed White River Extension 70 Township, White River, Mpumalanga


Archaetnos cc was requested by Plan-2-Survey Africa to conduct a Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment on a portion (Portion 20) of the farm White River 64 JU for the development of the proposed White River Extension 70 Township, in White River, Mpumalanga.

The fieldwork undertaken did not reveal any sites or features of any cultural heritage significance on the property, although some archaeological objects (pottery) were identified. It should however be stated that visibility was severely hampered by the dense vegetation encountered during the survey. Similarly, the desktop study conducted for this assessment did not reveal any cultural heritage resources in the immediate area.

The proposed development can therefore continue, taking into cognizance the conclusions and recommendations put forward at the end of this report.

Report by

A.J. Pelser & A.C. van Vollenhoven
