
Report on an archival investigation on the farm Scotston 587 JT, Nelspruit


Archaetnos cc was requested by Kudzala Antiquity to conduct an archival investigation regarding the farm Scotston 587 JT, Nelspruit. This reports deals with the findings after a survey has been conducted in the Deeds Office in Pretoria, as well as the National Archives Repository in Pretoria.

It seems as if the farm was established fairly recently as the oldest document referring to it dates to 1922. From information obtained in the Deeds Office, it seems as if the farm is a portion of the farm known as Witkop 199JU. This farm was established in 1837. This would make it one of the oldest farms in the former Transvaal. The report gives an overview of the history of this farm.

It is necessary to serve a caution regarding the information as it is possible that the lack of proper care for historical records in the Deeds office resulted in a misplacement of information. It is therefore possible that the farm Witkop has no connection with the farm Scotston, although it is indicated in the records that such a relationship does exist.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L. Akad. S.A.) BA, BA (Hons), DTO, NDM, MA (UP), MA (US), DPhil (UP)