
The archaeological investigation and exhumation of graves on the farm Wemmershuis 379 JT, Belfast district, Mpumulanga Province


Archaetnos cc was contracted by SNA Civil & Structural Engineers, on behalf of TRAC, to assist with the investigation and exhumation of a number of unknown graves, and graves older than 60 years of age (approximately 55 in total), located in a semi-formal cemetery on the remaining extent of the farm Wemmershuis 379 JT in the Belfast District, Mpumalanga Province. The upgrade of the R33 (old Carolina road to Belfast) is being undertaken in this area, and the graves will be directly impacted upon by the road construction operations.

After consultation with SAHRA and the landowner of the farm adjacent to the road it was decided to relocate the graves a few meters north, outside of the road reserve, to a fenced-in area, clearly marked with an information plaque. Archival and historical research, as well as information obtained during the exhumation of the graves, will be enclosed on this plaque (see AE Report 819a).

This report represents the detailed documentation of each burial investigated by the archaeologists during the exhumation and relocation of these graves. Furthermore, historical and archival information will also be discussed.

The development can therefore continue.

Report by

A. Pelser & A. van Vollenhoven