Report on the archaeological survey of graves located in Siyabuswa extension D, J.S. Moroka Municipality, Mpumalanga Province
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Enviro-Afrik, to assist with the investigation and exhumation of a number of graves, located on a site situated in Siyabuswa Extension D, in the J.S. Moroka Municipality, Mpumalanga. The graves are threatened by the construction of water and sewer reticulation and gravel roads and will have to be exhumed and relocated. The BaPhahla Tribal Authority, who identified some of the graves, has given permission for the relocation of the graves to the regional cemetery.
This report (AE 831a) is the result of a field survey of said graves, during which all the graves (15 in total) were located and documented in detail. A permit application to SAHRA will be submitted once the necessary advertisements and social consultation documents have been obtained from the client. Once the permit has been issued, the exhumation and relocation of the graves will commence. An undertaker has already bee appointed by the client, and they will assist the archaeologists in this process. Most of the graves are of unknown age.
The development can only continue once the graves have been successfully relocated.
Report by
A. Pelser & A.C van Vollenhoven