Report on an archival investigation on portion 2 of the farm Waterval 303 JQ, Rustenburg
Archaetnos cc was requested by the Wits Heritage Contracts Unit of the University of the Witwatersrand to conduct an archival investigation regarding the farm Waterval 303 JQ, Rustenburg. This reports deals with the findings after a survey has been conducted in the Deeds Office in Pretoria, the Office of the Chief Surveyor General in Pretoria as well as the National Archives Repository in Pretoria. Some other relevant literature was also consulted.
The farm was established in 1858, but it existed of portions of farms that were established even earlier. It therefore must be one of the oldest farms in the Rustenburg area. The report gives an overview of the history of this farm.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L. Akad. S.A.) BA, BA (Hons), DTO, NDM, MA (UP), MA (US), DPhil (UP)