
A report on a cultural heritage impact assessment for the proposed prospecting on the farm Hartebeestbult 314 KQ, Thabazimbi District, Limpopo Province


Archaetnos cc was appointed by Aquilla steel in Thabazimbi to conduct a cultural heritage impact assessment for the proposed prospecting on the farm Hartebeestbult 314 KQ. The farm is situated to the south of Thabazimbi in the Limpopo Province.

The fieldwork undertaken revealed four sites of cultural heritage significance. One of these is of a high cultural significance and it should be avoided. As no prospecting is planned here it does not pose a problem. The other sites are of lesser importance.

The prospecting on the farm may continue. With regards to the possible residential development suitable mitigation measures are proposed. Once these have been implemented, the proposed prospecting may continue.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.) A.J. Pelser
