Report on an archival investigation on the farm Twyfelaar 119 KT, Sekukuniland, Limpopo Province
Archaetnos cc was requested by Kudzala Antiquity to conduct an archival investigation of the farm Twyfelaar 119 KT in the SekSterkstroom 118 JT in the Belfast district. This reports deals with the findings after a survey has been conducted in the Deeds Office in Pretoria, as well as the National Archives Repository in Pretoria.
Unfortunately the old farm register could not be studied as the personnel from the Deeds Office could not locate it. No archival documents regarding this farm do exist. It is therefore assumed that the farm may not be one of the first ones established and that it probably consists of portions of one or more other farms.
The report therefore focuses on the methodology used for such a study in order for the client to see that a thorough investigation was done. The little information obtained is also given.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.Akad. S.A.) BA, BA (Hons), DTO, NDM, MA (UP), MA (US), DPhil (UP)