
A report on a heritage impact assessment study for proposed mining development on the remaining extent of the farm lohatla 673 Kuruman registration district, Siyanda District Municipality, Northern Cape Province


Archaetnos cc was requested by GCS, on behalf of Misty Falls (Pty) Ltd, to conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment Study for proposed mining development on the remaining extent of the farm Lohatla 673 Kuruman Registration District, Siyanda District Municipality, Northern Cape Province.

Report by

The fieldwork undertaken did not reveal any objects, features and sites of high cultural (archaeological or historical) heritage significance in the area of proposed development, although one site containing a number of features related to recent historical mining was identified and recorded. The proposed development can however continue, as long as the recommendations put forward at the end of this report are implemented. by AJ Pelser & Dr AC van Vollenhoven
