A further report on the location, investigation and documentation of heritage sites related to the Ga-chatleka and Mmaegangwe land claims in the Soutpansberg area, Limpopo Province
Archaetnos cc was approached by the Laywers for Human Rights to assist in the location, investigation and documentation of cultural (heritage) sites linked to the Ga-Chatleka and Mmaegangwe, both groups belonging to the BaTlokwa. These sites, located on various farms in the area, are related to two land claim cases, LCC 03/05 and LCC 04/05.
This is the fourth report regarding these land claim cases. Three large settlements on the three farms visited were documented and reported on in this document. Due to various reasons some farms could not be accessed and still remain to be investigated. A number of recommendations regarding further fieldwork and preparation for the forthcoming court cases and In Loco inspections are put forward at the end of this report.
Report by
A. J.Pelser & Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven