Proposed re-alignment, rehabilitation and upgrade of the Newcastle bypass start (km 52.30) to Newcastle bypass end(km 6.10) In Kwazulu Natal
Nemai Consulting was appointed by Goba (Pty) Ltd to undertake a heritage impact assessment study on the National Route 11 (N11) in Newcastle, KwaZulu Natal. The proposed project is the re-alignment, rehabilitation and upgrade of the Newcastle Bypass Start (km 52.30) to Newcastle Bypass End (km 6.10). The development will create job opportunities and enhance the mobility route on the N11 – Albert Wessels intersection and the Madadeni – Ladysmith Drive intersection.
The surface survey was done and completed on 08 March 2012. This report is performed according to the National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 (NHRA). One cultural heritage resource was identified, namely a grave site, which will be handled according to Section 36 of the NHRA 25 of 1999 and the Human Tissue Act 65 of 1983.
It is therefore recommended that based on the survey the construction may proceed provided the graves are relocated or incorporated in the development, which means a buffer zone will be created to protect the graves and work will be prohibited from 20-30 meters away from the buffer zone.
Report by
ANTON C. VAN VOLLENHOVEN DPhil (Archaeology) (UP) & DPhil (History) (US) &