A report on a basic assessment relating to cultural heritage resources for the proposed Eskom Gutshwa Project, Mpumalanga ProvinceSummary
Archaetnos cc was appointed by Wandima Environmental Services to conduct a basic assessment relating to cultural heritage resources for the proposed ESKOM Gutshwa Project. This is situated to the east of White River, in the Mpumalanga Province. Two options for the route were surveyed as well as two options for the new Gutshwa substation.
The fieldwork undertaken revealed no sites of cultural heritage significance. The area is largely disturbed by past human activities such as housing and agriculture. However there are certain areas that needs a more detailed survey once the fixed position of the power lines are known.
From a heritage point of view it is proposed that route alternative 1 be used. This route is shorter and the chances of finding heritage sites here are therefore less. Also it covers an area more disturbed that that of route alternative 2. A detailed survey is needed once the route has been finalized.
Report by
Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)