
A report on the assessment of grave sites at the Pembani Colliery close to Carolina in the Mpumalanga Province


Archaetnos cc was requested by Cabanga Concepts on behalf of Pembani Colliery
to assess a number of six grave sites which are close to the proposed mining
activities and to make recommendations in this regard. A Heritage Impact
Assessment was done in 2004 in the area. Many other sites were identified during
this survey, but no mine plans were available at the time. Therefore a new
assessment of these grave sites was now needed.

The location of the area where the mining development is to take place is
approximately 10 km to the east of the town of Carolina, on various portions of
different farms. This is in the Mpumalanga Province.

The scope of work was to have a buffer zone of 25 m implemented at these sites.
The necessary mitigation measures in order to have this done, was also to be

The site was visited in order to obtain contextual information. This was coupled with
information known about the mine plan, the graves, applicable legislation and the
best practice of dealing with graves.

It is recommended that the sites be preserved in situ. In order to do this it would be
possible to leave a 25 m buffer zone at 5 of the sites. Site no. 6 however needs a
100 m buffer. Additional mitigation would be necessary to secure the preservation of
these sites. Most importantly management plans for all six sites should be drafted
and implemented in order to ensure the sustainable preservation thereof. The
development can continue once the mitigation has been done.

Report by

Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)