Final report on the results of the cultural heritage walk-down for the final EMP for the Dinaledi-Spitskop 400KV Eskom power line between Brits and Northam
Archaetnos cc was appointed by BAAGI Environmental Consultancy, on behalf of Eskom Holdings, to conduct a cultural heritage walk-down for the final implementation of the EMP for the Dinaledi-Spitskop 400kv Powerline between Brits (Madibeng) and Northam. The length of the line is approximately 120km.
During the walk-down a number of sites, features and objects of varying degrees of cultural (archaeological and historical) heritage significance were identified. The report discusses these heritage resources. Some of them will be directly and negatively impacted on by the construction of the Powerline and suitable mitigation measures are therefore recommended.
From a cultural heritage point of view, once the mitigation measures have been implemented, the construction of the powerline can continue.
Report by
A.J. Pelser & Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven (L.AKAD.SA.)