
Preliminary report regarding fieldwork undertaken for the Monyeki Makgai land claim in the Waterberg and Potgietersrust areas, Limpopo Province (LCC 18/04)


Archaetnos cc was approached by the Office of the State Attorney, Pretoria, to assist in the location, investigation and documentation of cultural (heritage) sites linked to the Monyeki Makgai Families. These sites, located on Portion 9 of the remaining extent of the farm New Belgium 608 LR, are included in the gazetted land claim case (LCC 18/040) of the Monyeki Makgai Family Land Claim.

The preliminary location, investigation and documentation of cultural heritage sites related to this case, was conducted successfully. A number of sites linked to the Monyeki Makgai history was visited and recorded. The fieldwork results supplemented information obtained through archival and historical background research, as well as oral records. Any views expressed in this report maybe revisited should aspects pertaining to it be disputed.

Report by

Report by A.Pelser & Dr. A.C. van Vollenhoven
